The ML-Git API offers the developer the possibility to work with ML-Git programmatically by using the MLGitAPI class.
Methods available in the MLGitAPI class ¶
def add(self, entity_type, entity_name, bumpversion=False, fsck=False, file_path=None, metric=None, metrics_file=''):
"""This command will add all the files under the directory into the ml-git index/staging area.
api = MLGitApi()
api.add('datasets', 'dataset-ex', bumpversion=True)
entity_type (str): The type of an ML entity (datasets, labels or models).
entity_name (str): The name of the ML entity you want to add the files.
bumpversion (bool, optional): Increment the entity version number when adding more files [default: False].
fsck (bool, optional): Run fsck after command execution [default: False].
file_path (list, optional): List of files that must be added by the command [default: all files].
metric (dictionary, optional): The metric dictionary, example: { 'metric': value } [default: empty].
metrics_file (str, optional): The metrics file path. It is expected a CSV file containing the metric names in the header and
the values in the next line [default: empty].
def checkout(self, entity, tag, sampling=None, retries=2, force=False, dataset=False, labels=False, version=-1,
fail_limit=None, full=False):
"""This command allows retrieving the data of a specific version of an ML entity.
api = MLGitApi()
api.checkout('datasets', 'computer-vision__images3__imagenet__1')
entity (str): The type of an ML entity (datasets, labels or models).
tag (str): An ml-git tag to identify a specific version of an ML entity.
sampling (dict): group: <amount>:<group> The group sample option consists of amount and group used to
download a sample.\n
range: <start:stop:step> The range sample option consists of start, stop and step used
to download a sample. The start parameter can be equal or greater than zero. The
stop parameter can be 'all', -1 or any integer above zero.\n
random: <amount:frequency> The random sample option consists of amount and frequency
used to download a sample.
seed: The seed is used to initialize the pseudorandom numbers.
retries (int, optional): Number of retries to download the files from the storage [default: 2].
force (bool, optional): Force checkout command to delete untracked/uncommitted files from the local repository [default: False].
dataset (bool, optional): If exist a dataset related with the model or labels, this one must be downloaded [default: False].
labels (bool, optional): If exist labels related with the model, they must be downloaded [default: False].
version (int, optional): The entity version [default: -1].
fail_limit (int, optional): Number of failures before aborting the command [default: no limit].
full (bool, optional): Show all contents for each directory. [default: False].
str: Return the path where the data was checked out.
def clone(self, repository_url, untracked=False):
"""This command will clone minimal configuration files from repository-url with valid .ml-git/config.yaml,
then initialize the metadata according to configurations.
api = MLGitApi()
repository_url (str): The git repository that will be cloned.
untracked (bool, optional): Set whether cloned repository trace should not be kept [default: False].
def commit(self, entity, ml_entity_name, commit_message=None, related_dataset=None, related_labels=None):
"""That command commits the index / staging area to the local repository.
api = MLGitApi()
api.commit('datasets', 'dataset-ex')
entity (str): The type of an ML entity (datasets, labels or models).
ml_entity_name (str): Artefact name to commit.
commit_message (str, optional): Message of commit.
related_dataset (str, optional): Artefact name of dataset related to commit.
related_labels (str, optional): Artefact name of labels related to commit.
def create(self, entity, entity_name, categories, mutability, **kwargs):
"""This command will create the workspace structure with data and spec file for an entity and set the storage configurations.
api = MLGitApi()\n
api.create('datasets', 'dataset-ex', categories=['computer-vision', 'images'], mutability='strict')
entity (str): The type of an ML entity (datasets, labels or models).
entity_name (str): An ml-git entity name to identify a ML entity.
categories (list): Artifact's categories name.
mutability (str): Mutability type. The mutability options are strict, flexible and mutable.
storage_type (str, optional): Data storage type [default: s3h].
version (int, optional): Number of artifact version [default: 1].
import_path (str, optional): Path to be imported to the project.
bucket_name (str, optional): Bucket name.
import_url (str, optional): Import data from a google drive url.
credentials_path (str, optional): Directory of credentials.json.
unzip (bool, optional): Unzip imported zipped files [default: False].
entity_dir (str, optional): The relative path where the entity will be created inside the ml entity directory [default: empty].
def init(self, entity):
"""This command will start the ml-git entity.
api = MLGitApi()\n
entity (str): The type of an ML entity (datasets, labels or models).
models metrics
def get_models_metrics(self, entity_name, export_path=None, export_type=FileType.JSON.value):
"""Get metrics information for each tag of the entity.
api = MLGitApi()\n
api.get_models_metrics('model-ex', export_type='csv')
entity_name (str): An ml-git entity name to identify a ML entity.
export_path(str, optional): Set the path to export metrics to a file.
export_type (str, optional): Choose the format of the file that will be generated with the metrics [default: json].
def push(self, entity, entity_name, retries=2, clear_on_fail=False, fail_limit=None):
"""This command allows pushing the data of a specific version of an ML entity.
api = MLGitApi()\n
api.push('datasets', 'dataset-ex')
entity (str): The type of an ML entity. (datasets, labels or models)
entity_name (str): An ml-git entity name to identify a ML entity.
retries (int, optional): Number of retries to upload the files to the storage [default: 2].
clear_on_fail (bool, optional): Remove the files from the storage in case of failure during the push operation [default: False].
fail_limit (int, optional): Number of failures before aborting the command [default: no limit].
remote add
def remote_add(self, entity, remote_url, global_configuration=False):
"""This command will add a remote to store the metadata from this ml-git project.
api = MLGitApi()\n
api.remote_add('datasets', '')
entity (str): The type of an ML entity (datasets, labels or models).
remote_url(str): URL of an existing remote git repository.
global_configuration (bool, optional): Use this option to set configuration at global level [default: False].
storage add
def storage_add(self, bucket_name, bucket_type=StorageType.S3H.value, credentials=None, global_configuration=False,
endpoint_url=None, username=None, private_key=None, port=22, region=None):
"""This command will add a storage to the ml-git project.
api = MLGitApi()\n
api.storage_add('my-bucket', bucket_type='s3h')
bucket_name (str): The name of the bucket in the storage.
bucket_type (str, optional): Storage type (s3h, azureblobh or gdriveh) [default: s3h].
credentials (str, optional): Name of the profile that stores the credentials or the path to the credentials.
global_configuration (bool, optional): Use this option to set configuration at global level [default: False].
endpoint_url (str, optional): Storage endpoint url.
username (str, optional): The username for the sftp login.
private_key (str, optional): Full path for the private key file.
port (int, optional): The port to be used when connecting to the storage.
region (str, optional): AWS region for S3 bucket.
init entity manager
def init_entity_manager(github_token, url):
"""Initialize an entity manager to operate over github API.
init_entity_manager('github_token', '')
github_token (str): The personal access github token.
url (str): The github api url.
object of class EntityManager.
init local entity manager
def init_local_entity_manager():
"""Initialize an entity manager to operate over local git repository.
object of class LocalEntityManager.
Classes used by the API.¶
Some methods available in the API use the classes described below:
class EntityManager:
"""Class that operate over github api to manage entity's operations"""
def get_entities(self, config_path=None, config_repo_name=None):
"""Get a list of entities found in config.yaml.
config_path (str): The absolute path of the config.yaml file.
config_repo_name (str): The repository name where is the config.yaml located in github.
list of class Entity.
def get_entity_versions(self, name, metadata_repo_name):
"""Get a list of spec versions found for an especific entity.
name (str): The name of the entity you want to get the versions.
metadata_repo_name (str): The repository name where the entity metadata is located in GitHub.
list of class SpecVersion.
def get_linked_entities(self, name, version, metadata_repo_name):
"""Get a list of linked entities found for an entity version.
name (str): The name of the entity you want to get the linked entities.
version (str): The version of the entity you want to get the linked entities.
metadata_repo_name (str): The repository name where the entity metadata is located in GitHub.
list of LinkedEntity.
def get_entity_relationships(self, name, metadata_repo_name, export_type=FileType.JSON.value, export_path=None):
"""Get a list of relationships for an entity.
name (str): The name of the entity you want to get the linked entities.
metadata_repo_name (str): The repository name where the entity metadata is located in GitHub.
export_type (str): Set the format of the return (json, csv, dot) [default: json].
export_path (str): Set the path to export metrics to a file.
list of EntityVersionRelationships.
def get_project_entities_relationships(self, config_repo_name, export_type=FileType.JSON.value, export_path=None):
"""Get a list of relationships for all project entities.
config_repo_name (str): The repository name where the config file is located in GitHub.
export_type (str): Set the format of the return (json, csv, dot) [default: json].
export_path (str): Set the path to export metrics to a file.
list of EntityVersionRelationships.
class LocalEntityManager:
"""Class that operate over local git repository to manage entity's operations"""
def get_entities(self):
"""Get a list of entities found in config.yaml.
list of class Entity.
def get_entity_versions(self, name, type_entity):
"""Get a list of spec versions found for an especific entity.
name (str): The name of the entity you want to get the versions.
type_entity (str): The type of the ml-entity (datasets, models, labels).
list of class SpecVersion.
def get_linked_entities(self, name, version, type_entity):
"""Get a list of linked entities found for an entity version.
name (str): The name of the entity you want to get the linked entities.
version (str): The version of the entity you want to get the linked entities.
type_entity (str): The type of the ml-entity (datasets, models, labels).
list of LinkedEntity.
def get_entity_relationships(self, name, type_entity, export_type=FileType.JSON.value, export_path=None):
"""Get a list of relationships for an entity.
name (str): The name of the entity you want to get the linked entities.
type_entity (str): The type of the ml-entity (datasets, models, labels).
export_type (str): Set the format of the return (json, csv, dot) [default: json].
export_path (str): Set the path to export metrics to a file.
list of EntityVersionRelationships.
def get_project_entities_relationships(self, export_type=FileType.JSON.value, export_path=None):
"""Get a list of relationships for all project entities.
export_type (str): Set the format of the return [default: json].
export_path (str): Set the path to export metrics to a file.
list of EntityVersionRelationships.
def export_graph(self, dot_graph, export_path):
"""Creates a graph of all entity relations as an HTML file.
dot_graph (str): String of graph in DOT language format.
export_path (str): Set the path to export the HTML with the graph. [default: project root path]
Path of HTML file.
class Entity:
"""Class that represents an ml-entity.
name (str): The name of the entity.
type (str): The type of the ml-entity (datasets, models, labels).
private (str): The access of entity metadata.
metadata (Metadata): The metadata of the entity.
last_spec_version (SpecVersion): The specification file of the entity last version.
class SpecVersion:
"""Class that represents an ml-entity spec version.
name (str): The name of the entity.
type (str): The type of the ml-entity (datasets, models, labels).
version (str): The version of the ml-entity.
tag (str): The tag of the ml-entity spec version.
mutability (str): The mutability of the ml-entity.
categories (list): Labels to categorize the entity.
storage (Storage): The storage of the ml-entity.
total_versioned_files (int): The amount of versioned files.
size (str): The size of the version files.
class Metadata:
"""Class that represents an ml-entity metadata.
full_name (str): The full name of the metadata.
git_url (str): The git url of the metadata.
html_url (str): The html url of the metadata.
owner_email (str): The owner email of the ml-entity metadata.
owner_name (str): The owner name of the ml-entity metadata.
class Storage:
"""Class that represents an ml-entity storage.
type (str): The storage type (s3h|azureblobh|gdriveh|sftph).
bucket (str): The name of the bucket.
class EntityVersionRelationships:
"""Class that represents the relationships of an ml-entity in a specified version.
version (str): The version of the ml-entity.
tag (str): The tag of the ml-entity.
relationships (list): List of linked entities of the ml-entity in the specified version.
class LinkedEntity:
"""Class that represents a linked ml-entity.
name (str): The name of the entity.
type (str): The type of the ml-entity (datasets, models, labels).
version (str): The version of the ml-entity.
tag (str): The tag of the ml-entity spec version.
API notebooks ¶
In the api_scripts directory, you can find notebooks running the ML-Git API for some scenarios. To run them, you need to boot the jupyter notebook server in an environment with ML-Git installed and navigate to the notebook of your choice.
Last update:
September 29, 2023