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ML-Git Shell Completion Support

The Shell completion is a function that allows you to autocomplete your ml-git commands by partially typing the commands or options, then pressing the [Tab] key. This will help you when writing the command in the terminal.

The shell completion support will complete commands and options. Options are only listed if at least a dash has been entered.

In order to activate shell completion, you need to inform your shell that completion is available for the ML-Git. For this purpose, we provide the necessary modifications in the script for each type of terminal that is supported by the autocomplete functionality: - Bash - Fish - Windows PowerShell - Zsh

Note: If you have the shell open before making the modification, you will need to restart it after modifying the script.

For Bash, add this to ~/.bashrc:

if command -v ml-git &> /dev/null
   eval "$(_ML_GIT_COMPLETE=source_bash ml-git)"

For Fish, create the file ~/.config/fish/completions/ and add:

complete --command ml-git --arguments "(env _ML_GIT_COMPLETE=complete-fish COMMANDLINE=(commandline -cp) ml-git)" -f

For Windows PowerShell, add this to PowerShell Profile file*:

if ((Test-Path Function:\TabExpansion) -and -not (Test-Path Function:\ml-gitTabExpansionBackup)) {
    Rename-Item Function:\TabExpansion ml-gitTabExpansionBackup

function TabExpansion($line, $lastWord) {
    $lastBlock = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1].TrimStart()
    $aliases = @("ml-git") + @(Get-Alias | where { $_.Definition -eq "ml-git" } | select -Exp Name)
    $aliasPattern = "($($aliases -join '|'))"
    if($lastBlock -match "^$aliasPattern ") {
        $Env:_ML_GIT_COMPLETE = "complete-powershell"
        $Env:COMMANDLINE = "$lastBlock"
        (ml-git) | ? {$_.trim() -ne "" }
        Remove-Item Env:_ML_GIT_COMPLETE
        Remove-Item Env:COMMANDLINE
    elseif (Test-Path Function:\ml-gitTabExpansionBackup) {
        # Fall back on existing tab expansion
        ml-gitTabExpansionBackup $line $lastWord

*To find out where the file for your PowerShell Profile is located, you can run $profile in Windows Powershell. If you don't have such a file yet, follow the steps described in this link (How to create a profile) to create a new one.

For Zsh, add this to ~/.zshrc:

#compdef ml-git
_ml-git() {
  eval $(env COMMANDLINE="${words[1,$CURRENT]}" _ML_GIT_COMPLETE=complete-zsh  ml-git)
if [[ "$(basename -- ${(%):-%x})" != "_ml-git" ]]; then  
  compdef _ml-git ml-git

Last update: September 29, 2023