- PageDelivery - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "page-delivery" keywords.
- PageOrderReceived - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "page-order-received" keywords.
- PagesCol - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "pages-col" collection as defined in: APRIL2015F2F.
- PagesCol.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PagesCol
- Defines types for each member of PagesCol.
- parallelStream() - function in kotlin.collections.Collection
- parallelStream() - function in kotlin.collections.Collection
- parallelStream() - function in kotlin.collections.Collection
- parallelStream() - function in kotlin.collections.Collection
- parallelStream() - function in kotlin.collections.Collection
- parallelStream() - function in kotlin.collections.Collection
- parse(InputStream) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Companion
- parse(String) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.KeyValues.Companion
- Convert an IPP string to an ordered KeyValues map.
- parse(String) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MediaSizes
- Convert a media name containing dimensions into a MediaCol.MediaSize object, if possible.
- ParseError - class in com.hp.jipp.util
- A parsing error occurred
- PclmRasterBackSide - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "pclm-raster-back-side" keywords.
- PdfFeaturesSupported - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "pdf-features-supported" keywords.
- PdfVersionsSupported - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "pdf-versions-supported" keywords.
- PdlInitFile - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "pdl-init-file" collection as defined in: PWG5100.11.
- PdlInitFile.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PdlInitFile
- Defines types for each member of PdlInitFile.
- PdlInitFileSupported - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "pdl-init-file-supported" keywords.
- PdlOverrideSupported - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "pdl-override-supported" keywords.
- PlatformShape - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "platform-shape" keywords.
- plus(List) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeGroup
- Return a new AttributeGroup with additional attributes added to the end.
- plus(List) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeGroup
- Return a new AttributeGroup with additional attributes added to the end.
- plusAssign(Attribute) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Put attribute into this group
- plusAssign(Iterable) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Put attributes into this group
- PowerCalendarPolicyCol - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "power-calendar-policy-col" collection as defined in: PWG5100.22.
- PowerCalendarPolicyCol.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerCalendarPolicyCol
- Defines types for each member of PowerCalendarPolicyCol.
- PowerEventPolicyCol - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "power-event-policy-col" collection as defined in: PWG5100.22.
- PowerEventPolicyCol.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerEventPolicyCol
- Defines types for each member of PowerEventPolicyCol.
- PowerLogCol - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "power-log-col" collection as defined in: PWG5100.22.
- PowerLogCol.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerLogCol
- Defines types for each member of PowerLogCol.
- PowerState - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- "power-state" enum as defined in: PWG5100.22.
- PowerState.Code - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerState
- PowerState.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerState
- PowerState.SetType - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerState
- An AttributeType for multiple PowerState attributes.
- PowerState.Type - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerState
- An AttributeType for a PowerState attribute.
- PowerStateCapabilitiesCol - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "power-state-capabilities-col" collection as defined in: PWG5100.22.
- PowerStateCapabilitiesCol.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerStateCapabilitiesCol
- Defines types for each member of PowerStateCapabilitiesCol.
- PowerStateCountersCol - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "power-state-counters-col" collection as defined in: PWG5100.22.
- PowerStateCountersCol.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerStateCountersCol
- Defines types for each member of PowerStateCountersCol.
- PowerStateMonitorCol - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "power-state-monitor-col" collection as defined in: PWG5100.22.
- PowerStateMonitorCol.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerStateMonitorCol
- Defines types for each member of PowerStateMonitorCol.
- PowerStateTransitionsCol - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "power-state-transitions-col" collection as defined in: PWG5100.22.
- PowerStateTransitionsCol.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerStateTransitionsCol
- Defines types for each member of PowerStateTransitionsCol.
- PowerTimeoutPolicyCol - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "power-timeout-policy-col" collection as defined in: PWG5100.22.
- PowerTimeoutPolicyCol.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PowerTimeoutPolicyCol
- Defines types for each member of PowerTimeoutPolicyCol.
- PresentationDirectionNumberUp - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "presentation-direction-number-up" keywords.
- PresetName - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "preset-name" keywords (or names).
- prettyPrint(Integer,String) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeGroup
- Return a pretty-printed version of this packet (including separators and line breaks)
- prettyPrint(Integer,String) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket
- Return a pretty-printed version of this packet (including separators and line breaks)
- prettyPrint(Integer,String) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeGroup
- Return a pretty-printed version of this packet (including separators and line breaks)
- PrettyPrintable - class in com.hp.jipp.util
- An object that knows how to pretty-print itself
- PrettyPrinter - class in com.hp.jipp.util
- Builds pretty-printed output from structured data
- PrettyPrinter.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.util.PrettyPrinter
- PrettyPrinter.Companion.Style - class in com.hp.jipp.util.PrettyPrinter.Companion
- Style used for delimiting members of a pretty-printed group.
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.Attribute
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeGroup
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.Attribute
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.Attribute
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeGroup
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.Attribute
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.AttributeCollection
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print(PrettyPrinter) - function in com.hp.jipp.util.PrettyPrintable
- Add a representation of self to the printer
- print() - function in com.hp.jipp.util.PrettyPrinter
- Closes all open groups and builds a result.
- PrintAccuracy - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "print-accuracy" collection as defined in: PWG5100.21.
- PrintAccuracy.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrintAccuracy
- Defines types for each member of PrintAccuracy.
- PrintAccuracySupported - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "print-accuracy-supported" collection as defined in: PWG5100.21.
- PrintAccuracySupported.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrintAccuracySupported
- Defines types for each member of PrintAccuracySupported.
- PrintBase - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "print-base" keywords.
- PrintColorMode - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "print-color-mode" keywords.
- PrintContentOptimize - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "print-content-optimize" keywords.
- PrinterContactCol - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "printer-contact-col" collection as defined in: PWG5100.22.
- PrinterContactCol.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrinterContactCol
- Defines types for each member of PrinterContactCol.
- PrinterIccProfiles - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "printer-icc-profiles" collection as defined in: PWG5100.13.
- PrinterIccProfiles.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrinterIccProfiles
- Defines types for each member of PrinterIccProfiles.
- PrinterKind - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "printer-kind" keywords.
- PrinterServiceType - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "printer-service-type" keywords.
- PrinterSettableAttributesSupported - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "printer-settable-attributes-supported" keywords.
- PrinterState - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- "printer-state" enum as defined in: RFC8011.
- PrinterState.Code - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrinterState
- PrinterState.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrinterState
- PrinterState.SetType - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrinterState
- An AttributeType for multiple PrinterState attributes.
- PrinterState.Type - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrinterState
- An AttributeType for a PrinterState attribute.
- PrinterStateReason - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "printer-state-reasons" keywords.
- PrinterVolumeSupported - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "printer-volume-supported" collection as defined in: PWG5100.21.
- PrinterVolumeSupported.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrinterVolumeSupported
- Defines types for each member of PrinterVolumeSupported.
- PrinterXriSupported - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "printer-xri-supported" collection as defined in: RFC3380.
- PrinterXriSupported.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrinterXriSupported
- Defines types for each member of PrinterXriSupported.
- printJob(URI) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Companion
- Return a Print-Job request Builder.
- PrintObjects - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "print-objects" collection as defined in: PWG5100.21.
- PrintObjects.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrintObjects
- Defines types for each member of PrintObjects.
- PrintObjects.ObjectOffset - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrintObjects
- Data object corresponding to a "object-offset" collection.
- PrintObjects.ObjectOffset.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrintObjects.ObjectOffset
- Defines types for each member of ObjectOffset.
- PrintObjects.ObjectSize - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrintObjects
- Data object corresponding to a "object-size" collection.
- PrintObjects.ObjectSize.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrintObjects.ObjectSize
- Defines types for each member of ObjectSize.
- PrintQuality - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- "print-quality" enum as defined in: RFC8011.
- PrintQuality.Code - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrintQuality
- PrintQuality.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrintQuality
- PrintQuality.SetType - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrintQuality
- An AttributeType for multiple PrintQuality attributes.
- PrintQuality.Type - class in com.hp.jipp.model.PrintQuality
- An AttributeType for a PrintQuality attribute.
- PrintRenderingIntent - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "print-rendering-intent" keywords.
- PrintScaling - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "print-scaling" keywords.
- printStackTrace() - function in kotlin.Throwable
- printStackTrace(PrintStream) - function in kotlin.Throwable
- printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - function in kotlin.Throwable
- printStackTrace() - function in kotlin.Throwable
- printStackTrace(PrintStream) - function in kotlin.Throwable
- printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - function in kotlin.Throwable
- PrintSupports - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "print-supports" keywords.
- ProofPrint - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Data object corresponding to a "proof-print" collection as defined in: PWG5100.11.
- ProofPrint.Companion - class in com.hp.jipp.model.ProofPrint
- Defines types for each member of ProofPrint.
- PunchingReferenceEdge - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "punching-reference-edge" keywords.
- put(AttributeType,T) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Assign an attribute from its native value type.
- put(AttributeSetType,Iterable) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Assign an attribute from one or more values.
- put(AttributeSetType,T,Array) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Assign an attribute from one or more values.
- put(Attribute) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Put attribute into this group.
- put(Array) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Put attributes into this group.
- put(NameType,String) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Add or replace an attribute having one value to the group.
- put(NameType.Set,String,Array) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Add or replace an attribute to the group having one or more values.
- put(KeywordOrNameType,String) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Add or replace an attribute having one value to the group.
- put(KeywordOrNameType.Set,String,Array) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Add or replace an attribute to the group having one or more values.
- put(TextType,String) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Add or replace an attribute having one value to the group.
- put(TextType.Set,String,Array) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Add or replace an attribute to the group having one or more values.
- putAll(Iterable) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.MutableAttributeGroup
- Put attributes into this group.
- putAttributes(DelimiterTag,Iterable) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Builder
- Get or create a group with tag and add or replace attributes in it.
- putAttributes(DelimiterTag,Array) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Builder
- Get or create a group with tag and add or replace attributes in it.
- putJobAttributes(Iterable) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Builder
- Get or create the Tag.jobAttributes group and add or replace attributes in it.
- putJobAttributes(Array) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Builder
- Get or create the Tag.jobAttributes group and add or replace attributes in it.
- putOperationAttributes(Iterable) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Builder
- Get the Tag.operationAttributes group and add or replace attributes in it.
- putOperationAttributes(Array) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Builder
- Get the Tag.operationAttributes group and add or replace attributes in it.
- putPrinterAttributes(Iterable) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Builder
- Get or create the Tag.printerAttributes group and add or replace attributes in it.
- putPrinterAttributes(Array) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Builder
- Get or create the Tag.printerAttributes group and add or replace attributes in it.
- putUnsupportedAttributes(Iterable) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Builder
- Get or create the Tag.unsupportedAttributes group and add or replace attributes in it.
- putUnsupportedAttributes(Array) - function in com.hp.jipp.encoding.IppPacket.Builder
- Get or create the Tag.unsupportedAttributes group and add or replace attributes in it.
- PwgRasterDocumentSheetBack - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "pwg-raster-document-sheet-back" keywords.
- PwgRasterDocumentTypeSupported - class in com.hp.jipp.model
- Values applicable for "pwg-raster-document-type-supported" keywords.