What is Context?
Context is a variable defined by you that may contain request-related data. Its lifecycle is the same as the request being handled, it gets destroyed once the request is terminated.
Define context
The context factory function is a parameter of the createRouter
It accepts req
and res
Express objects.
import express, { Express } from 'express';
import { createApp, createRouter, DaVinciExpress, Dav } from '@davinci/core';
import CustomerController from './customer/customer.controller';
const expressApp: Express = express();
interface Context {
accountId: string;
function createContext({ req }: { req: Request }): Context {
return {
accountId: req.headers['x-custom-accountid']
createApp(expressApp, app => {
app.use(createRouter({ Controller: CustomerController, resourceName: 'Customer', contextFactory: createContext }));
if (require.main === module) {
// this module was run directly from the command line as in node xxx.js
(expressApp as DaVinciExpress).start();
export default expressApp;