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finalize() - function in kotlin.Enum
finalize() - function in kotlin.Enum
finalize() - function in kotlin.Enum
finalize() - function in kotlin.Enum
finalize() - function in kotlin.Enum
finalize() - function in kotlin.Enum
finalize() - function in kotlin.Enum
finalize() - function in kotlin.Enum
flipX() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.RenderablePage
Return a version of this page, but flipped left-to-right.
flipX() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.RenderablePage
Return a version of this page, but flipped left-to-right.
flipY() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.RenderablePage
Return a version of this page, but flipped top-to-bottom.
flipY() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.RenderablePage
Return a version of this page, but flipped top-to-bottom.
flush() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pclm.PclmWriter
flush() - function in java.io.DataOutputStream
flush() - function in java.io.OutputStream
flush() - function in java.io.OutputStream
forEach(Consumer) - function in kotlin.collections.Iterable
forEach(Consumer) - function in kotlin.collections.Iterable
from(Integer) - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.ValueConverter
from(Integer) - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.When.Companion
from(Integer) - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Edge.Companion
from(Integer) - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Orientation.Companion
from(Integer) - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.ColorOrder.Companion
from(Integer) - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.ColorSpace.Companion
from(ColorSpace) - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.ColorSpace.Companion
Given a com.hp.jipp.pdl.ColorSpace return the corresponding PwgHeader.ColorSpace.
from(Integer) - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.MediaPosition.Companion
from(Integer) - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.PrintQuality.Companion
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