- getAlternatePrimary() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- An sRGB color field containing 24 bits of color data.
- getBackSide() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pclm.PclmSettings
- Backside requirement, must be a PclmRasterBackSide value.
- getBITS_PER_BYTE() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgSettings.Companion
- getBitsPerColor() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getBitsPerPixel() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getBytesPerLine() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- Number of bytes per line, always based on width and bitsPerPixel.
- getBytesPerPixel() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.ColorSpace
- getColorOrder() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getColorSpace() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.OutputSettings
- Color space.
- getColorSpace() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getCopies() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.OutputSettings
- Set the number of copies required.
- getCrossFeedTransform() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getCutMedia() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getDeclaringClass() - function in kotlin.Enum
- getDeclaringClass() - function in kotlin.Enum
- getDeclaringClass() - function in kotlin.Enum
- getDeclaringClass() - function in kotlin.Enum
- getDeclaringClass() - function in kotlin.Enum
- getDeclaringClass() - function in kotlin.Enum
- getDeclaringClass() - function in kotlin.Enum
- getDeclaringClass() - function in kotlin.Enum
- getDpi() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.RenderableDocument
- Dots-per-inch used when rendering this document.
- getDpi() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgReader.PwgDocument
- getDuplex() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- True if printing two-sided.
- getFeedTransform() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getHeader() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgReader.PwgPage
- getHEADER_SIZE() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Companion
- getHeaderCustomizer() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgWriter
- Supply a converter here if you would like to return a customized header.
- getHeight() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- Full-bleed page height in pixels.
- getHeightPixels() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.RenderablePage
- Height of the entire page, in pixels.
- getHeightPixels() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgReader.PwgPage
- Height of the entire page, in pixels.
- getHwResolutionX() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getHwResolutionY() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getImageBoxBottom() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- Bottom position of non-blank area in pixels, if image box is known.
- getImageBoxLeft() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- Left position of non-blank area in pixels, if image box is known.
- getImageBoxRight() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- Right position of non-blank area in pixels, if image box is known.
- getImageBoxTop() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- Top position of non-blank area in pixels, if image box is known.
- getInsertSheet() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getIsEven() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl
- getIsOdd() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl
- getJog() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getLeadingEdge() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getMAGIC_NUMBER() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgWriter.Companion
- getMAX_SWATH_HEIGHT() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgWriter.Companion
- getMAX_VENDOR_DATA_SIZE() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Companion
- getMediaColor() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getMediaPosition() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getMediaType() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getMediaWeightMetric() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getName() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.ColorSpace
- getName() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.When
- getName() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Edge
- getName() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Orientation
- getName() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.ColorOrder
- getName() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.ColorSpace
- getName() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.MediaPosition
- getName() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.PrintQuality
- getNumColors() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- Number of colors supported.
- getNumCopies() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getOrdinal() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.ColorSpace
- getOrdinal() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.When
- getOrdinal() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Edge
- getOrdinal() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Orientation
- getOrdinal() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.ColorOrder
- getOrdinal() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.ColorSpace
- getOrdinal() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.MediaPosition
- getOrdinal() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.PrintQuality
- getOrientation() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getOrientation() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgSettings
- The orientation used when printing the current job.
- getOutput() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pclm.PclmSettings
- Ordinary output settings.
- getOutput() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgSettings
- Ordinary output settings.
- getPackBits() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- PackBits object used for encoding/decoding pixels of data.
- getPageSizeName() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getPageSizeX() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- Media width in points.
- getPageSizeY() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- Media height in points.
- getPos() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.util.WrappedByteArrayOutputStream
- The current write position relative to the start of array.
- getPrintContentOptimize() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getPrintQuality() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getPWG_RASTER_NAME() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Companion
- getPwgColorSpace() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgSettings
- The calculated PwgHeader.ColorSpace for these settings.
- getPwgMediaPosition() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgSettings
- The calculated PwgHeader.MediaPosition for these settings.
- getPwgPrintQuality() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgSettings
- The calculated PwgHeader.PrintQuality for these settings.
- getQuality() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.OutputSettings
- The level of print quality to use, or null for default.
- getRenderingIntent() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getReversed() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.OutputSettings
- True if page order should be reversed (due to face-up output).
- getSheetBack() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgSettings
- The coordinate system requested for the back side of two-sided sheets, from PwgRasterDocumentSheetBack.
- getSides() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.OutputSettings
- Two-sided printing selection, a keyword from Sides.
- getSource() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.OutputSettings
- The media source to use, a keyword from MediaSource.
- getStripHeight() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pclm.PclmSettings
- Height of each strip to send via PCLM, in pixels.
- getTotalPageCount() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- getTumble() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- True if two-sided printing should be flipped along the short-edge.
- getValue() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.HasValue
- getValue() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.When
- getValue() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Edge
- getValue() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Orientation
- getValue() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.ColorOrder
- getValue() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.ColorSpace
- getValue() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.MediaPosition
- getValue() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.PrintQuality
- getVendorData() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- Octets containing 0-1088 bytes of vendor-specific data.
- getVendorIdentifier() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- USB vendor identification number or 0.
- getWHITE() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader.Companion
- getWHITE_BYTE() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.RenderablePage.Companion
- getWidth() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgHeader
- Full-bleed page width in pixels.
- getWidthPixels() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.RenderablePage
- Width of the entire page, in pixels.
- getWidthPixels() - function in com.hp.jipp.pdl.pwg.PwgReader.PwgPage
- Width of the entire page, in pixels.
- Grayscale - enum entry in com.hp.jipp.pdl.ColorSpace
One byte per pixel, between 0x00=Black and 0xFF=White