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Basic Flow

Basic Flow

This notebook describes a basic execution flow of ml-git with its API. There, you will learn how to initialize an ML-Git project, how to perform all the necessary configuration steps and how to version a dataset. We will divide this quick how-to into 3 main sections:

ml-git repository configuation/intialization
 This section explains how to initialize and configure a repository for ml-git.
versioning a dataset
Having a repository initialized, this section explains how to create and upload a dataset to the storage.
downloading a dataset
This section describes how to download a versioned data set using ml-git.

Notebook state management

If you have already run this notebook or another notebook in this same folder, it is recommended that you execute the cell below to clean the environment, as state changes made previously may interfere with the notebook running. Be aware that this procedure does not affect any remote repositories.

!sh ./

1 - ml-git repository configuation/intialization

To start using the ml-git api we need to import it into our script

from ml_git.api import MLGitAPI

Then we must create a new instance of the API class

api = MLGitAPI()

To use ml-git, it is necessary to configure storages and remotes that will be used in a project. This configuration can be done through a sequence of commands, or if you already have a git repository with the stored settings, you can run the clone command to import those settings. The following subsections demonstrate how to configure these two forms.

Note: You should only perform one of the following two subsections.

1.1 Configuring with clone command

With the clone command all settings will be imported and initialized from the repository that was informed.

repository_url = '/local_ml_git_config_server.git'


After that, you can skip to section 2 which teaches you how to create a version of a dataset.

1.2 Configuring from start

In this section we will consider the scenario of a user who wants to configure their project from scratch. The first step is to define that the directory we are working on will be an ml-git project, for this we execute the following command:

INFO - Admin: Initialized empty ml-git repository in /api_scripts/.ml-git

After initializing an ml-git project, it is necessary that you inform the remotes and storages that will be used by the entities to be versioned. If you want to better understand why ml-git uses these resources, please take a look at the architecture and internals documentation.

In this notebook we will configure our ml-git project with a local git repository and a local minio as storage. For this, the following commands are necessary:

remote_url = '/local_server.git/'
bucket_name= 'mlgit'
end_point = ''

# The type of entity we are working on
entity_type = 'datasets'

api.remote_add(entity_type, remote_url)
api.storage_add(bucket_name, endpoint_url=end_point)
INFO - Admin: Add remote repository [/local_server.git/] for [datasets]
INFO - Admin: Add storage [s3h://mlgit]

Last but not least, initialize the metadata repository

INFO - Metadata Manager: Metadata init [/local_server.git/] @ [/api_scripts/.ml-git/datasets/metadata]

2 - versioning a dataset

After the entities have been initialized and are ready for use. We can continue with the process to version our first dataset.

ml-git expects any dataset to be specified under dataset/ directory of your project and it expects a specification file with the name of the dataset.

To create this specification file for a new entity you must run the following command:

# The entity name we are working on
entity_name = 'dataset-ex'

api.create(entity_type, entity_name, categories=['computer-vision', 'images'], mutability='strict', bucket_name=bucket_name)
INFO - MLGit: Dataset artifact created.

Once we create our dataset entity we can add the data to be versioned within the entity's directory. For this, the following code generate a new file in our dataset path.

import os

def create_file(file_name='file'):
    file_path = os.path.join('datasets', 'dataset-ex', 'data', file_name)
    open(file_path, 'a').close()


We can now proceed with the necessary steps to send the new data to storage.

api.add(entity_type, entity_name, bumpversion=True)
INFO - Metadata Manager: Pull [/api_scripts/.ml-git/datasets/metadata]
INFO - Repository: datasets adding path [/api_scripts/datasets/dataset-ex] to ml-git index
files: 100%|██████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:00<00:00, 360files/s]

⠋ Creating hard links in cache⠙ Creating hard links in cache

files: 100%|██████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:00<00:00, 4.13kfiles/s]

After add the files, you need commit the metadata to the local repository. For this purpose type the following command:

# Custom commit message
message = 'Commit example'

api.commit(entity_type, entity_name, message)
⠋ Updating index⠙ Updating index Checking removed files⠙ Checking removed files Commit manifest⠙ Commit manifest

INFO - Metadata Manager: Commit repo[/api_scripts/.ml-git/datasets/metadata] --- file[dataset-ex]

Last but not least, ml-git dataset push will update the remote metadata repository just after storing all actual data under management in the specified remote data storage.

api.push(entity_type, entity_name)
files: 100%|██████████| 1.00/1.00 [00:00<00:00, 57.4files/s]

⠋ Pushing metadata to the git repository⠙ Pushing metadata to the git repository

As you can observe, ml-git follows very similar workflows as for git.

3 - downloading a dataset

Once you have an entity versioned by ml-git, and being within an initialized directory, it is really simple to obtain data from a specific entity. As an example, in this notebook we will checkout an entity that was previously versioned, the mnist. For this, the following command is necessary:

entity_name = 'mnist'

data_path = api.checkout(entity_type, entity_name, version=1)
INFO - Metadata Manager: Pull [/api_scripts/.ml-git/datasets/metadata]
INFO - Metadata: Performing checkout in tag handwritten__digits__mnist__1
blobs: 100%|██████████| 2.00/2.00 [00:00<00:00, 186blobs/s]
chunks: 100%|██████████| 2.00/2.00 [00:00<00:00, 2.24chunks/s]
files into workspace: 100%|██████████| 2.00/2.00 [00:00<00:00, 12.6files into workspace/s]

Getting the data will auto-create a directory structure under dataset directory. That structure computer-vision/images is actually coming from the categories defined in the dataset spec file. Doing that way allows for easy download of many datasets in one single ml-git project without creating any conflicts.

Now the user can perform the processes he wants with the data that was downloaded in the workspace.

Last update: October 3, 2023