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Multiple Projects

Multiple Projects

This notebook describes how to work with multiple projects in the ML-Git API.

Notebook state management

If you have already run this notebook or another notebook in this same folder, it is recommended that you execute the cell below to clean the environment, as state changes made previously may interfere with the notebook running. Be aware that this procedure does not affect any remote repositories.

!sh ./

Using multiples projects

Let's start creating, for each project, a folder to work with.

# importing os module
import os


To start using the ML-Git API, we need to import it into our script.

from ml_git.api import MLGitAPI

Then we must create a new instance of the API for each project. You can inform the root directory of the project as a parameter. In this scenario, we will be using the relative path to each directory.

project_1 = MLGitAPI(root_path='./project_1')
project_2 = MLGitAPI(root_path='./project_2')

We will consider the scenario of a user who wants to configure their projects from scratch. The first step is to define that the directory we are working on will be an ml-git project. To do that, execute the following command:

INFO - Admin: Initialized empty ml-git repository in C:\Git\HP\ml-git\docs\api\api_scripts\project_1\.ml-git
INFO - Admin: Initialized empty ml-git repository in C:\Git\HP\ml-git\docs\api\api_scripts\project_2\.ml-git

We will configure each project with a local git repository and a local MinIO as storage. For this, the following commands are necessary:

remote_url = '/local_server.git/'
bucket_name= 'mlgit'
end_point = ''

# The type of entity we are working on
entity_type = 'datasets'

project_1.remote_add(entity_type, remote_url)
project_1.storage_add(bucket_name, endpoint_url=end_point)


project_2.remote_add(entity_type, remote_url)
project_2.storage_add(bucket_name, endpoint_url=end_point)
INFO - Admin: Add remote repository [/local_server.git/] for [datasets]
INFO - Repository: When making changes to the config file we strongly recommend that you upload these changes to the Git repository. For this, see: ml-git repository config push --help
INFO - Admin: Add storage [s3h://mlgit]
INFO - Admin: When making changes to the config file we strongly recommend that you upload these changes to the Git repository. For this, see: ml-git repository config push --help


INFO - Admin: Add remote repository [/local_server.git/] for [datasets]
INFO - Repository: When making changes to the config file we strongly recommend that you upload these changes to the Git repository. For this, see: ml-git repository config push --help
INFO - Admin: Add storage [s3h://mlgit]
INFO - Admin: When making changes to the config file we strongly recommend that you upload these changes to the Git repository. For this, see: ml-git repository config push --help

After the projects have been initialized we can continue with the process to create new datasets. To create the specification file for new entities you must run the following commands:

# The entity name we are working on project 1
entity_name_1 = 'dataset-ex-1'
# The entity name we are working on project 2
entity_name_2 = 'dataset-ex-2'

project_1.create(entity_type, entity_name_1, categories=['img'], mutability='strict')
project_2.create(entity_type, entity_name_2, categories=['img'], mutability='strict')
INFO - MLGit: Dataset artifact created.
INFO - MLGit: Dataset artifact created.

In this example, we demonstrated how to work with multiple projects in the ML-Git API. You can use all commands available in the API with this concept of multiple projects, a complete flow of how to version an entity can be found in the Basic Flow Notebook.

Last update: October 3, 2023